Travel & Leisure

Accompany companies in the challenge of implementing and mobilizing their digital challenges in a measurable way, improving their competitiveness.

Digital investment
continues to increase

Customers ask companies to change their physical and digital relationship models


of consumers prefer to do business with companies that offer personalized experiences.


Consumers expect companies to respond and interact with them in real time.

> 20 %

13.5% of total worldwide sales are made through e-commerce in 2019


is the forecast growth rate from 2020 to 2027 for the intelligent virtual assistant market.

Background and starting point

Reflection on the

Data Driven Business

Identifying the best customers and offering them benefits tailored to their needs increases revenue via average ticket or recurrence. Big data is also used to improve recruitment and loyalty, with technologies that improve user engagement, experience and engagement.

Personalization and unique experience through data

Consumers are looking for personalized, unique and frictionless experiences. Companies must invest in technology to collect and use customer data effectively to deliver personalized experiences.


Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their consumption habits, which implies the need for companies to develop strategies for sustainability, waste reduction and energy efficiency.

Promotional Digital Transformation

Consumers are looking for personalized, unique and frictionless experiences. Companies must invest in technology to collect and use customer data effectively to deliver personalized experiences.

Virtual Communities

Consumers are looking for personalized, unique and frictionless experiences. Companies must invest in technology to collect and use customer data effectively to deliver personalized experiences.

Collaborative Economy Aggregators Marketplaces

Consumers are looking for personalized, unique and frictionless experiences. Companies must invest in technology to collect and use customer data effectively to deliver personalized experiences.



In the current context, relevance and personalization of our customers’ experience based on data is critical.

Increased sales

Cost reduction


Selling more

Sell better

Getting to know the customer


What do customers expect from brands: hyper-personalization, unique experiences and products tailored to their needs.

We help brands gain unique customer insights, increase sales and generate competitive advantage through data, AI and digital asset usage excellence.

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Analysis of energy consumption data, IFTT scenarios for optimization and cost savings.

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Assist in the


Improve the interaction processes between the company and its customers to make the relationship more efficient, personalized and satisfactory.

Starting Point

B2C or B2BC

The Challenge

  • Efficient relationship processes with internal and external customers.
  • Needs
  • Frictionless and scalable deployment technology assets


  • 4 Areas of action to carry them out
  • Customer experience
  • Workplace innovation
  • Process automation
  • Application modernization

Solutions Implemented

  • Functional and operational analysis
  • Model “as is- tobe”.
  • Technology stack proposal
  • Prioritization and roadmap
  • Data model
  • Real time load processes
  • Backend and frontend development
  • Low-code platforms, native and ad hoc developments


Aggity alliances

A reference company in the sector allows us to reach our customers with a local and very capillary offer.

A reference company in the sector allows us to reach our customers with a local and very capillary offer.


They trust us