Data &

With analytics and AI we extract the value of data (efficiency, sales, new business models) to help companies become Data Driven, increase their competitiveness and overcome new challenges. We leverage our deep industry knowledge and the potential of technologies such as Generative AI, Machine Learning or Big Data to develop solutions that drive business growth and success.

Why choose us?

Knowledge and Experience

With years of industry experience, we have helped companies of all sizes and industries make the most of their data.

Customized Solutions

We do not believe in generic solutions. We create customized analytics solutions that are tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Tangible Results

Our results-oriented approach ensures that each project generates a measurable impact on your business.

State-of-the-Art Technologies

We use the latest technologies and data analysis tools to keep you at the forefront of your industry.


Data Strategy

At aggity we help our clients to define and implement their Data Driven strategy, from the strategic definition (IDO) and the identification of use cases (Data Lab) to the creation of the governance model or the most appropriate analytical architecture. We create operating models and architectures to drive business through strategic data management, ensure regulatory compliance, resource optimization and intelligent decision making based on reliable data. Data is critical to making smart decisions and achieving business success. As a leader in data architecture and data governance services, we are here to unleash the potential of your data and elevate your business to new levels of success.

Data Lab

Our technical, sector and functional experts propose in just 2 working sessions a pipeline of prioritized and actionable initiatives for digital and analytics transformation.

IDO Methodology (Insight Data Organization)

We help companies to become Data Driven based on a framework with 5 dimensions (strategy, technology, Data & Analytics, Processes and people) and 50 questions to define the strategy in weeks.

Data Governance

We collaborate with you to develop a data governance strategy based on the DAMA framework adapted to your specific needs and objectives. We are based on the 4 dimensions (People, Processes, Quality and Technology).

Quality Data

We transform your data into valuable assets by improving their quality and ensuring that they are accurate, consistent and reliable.

Data Architecture
of Vanguard

We design and optimize data architectures to boost the scalability and performance of your systems, through cloud & big Data architectures, based on microservices, DevOps & MLOps, containers and Data Fabric principles.

Disruptive Technologies

We recommend and deploy the latest data management tools and technologies to automate processes and optimize your operations.


Visual Insighs

Transform your Data into Visual Decisions with aggity
At aggity, we understand that visual information is power. Our Visual Insights services are designed to take your data beyond numbers and statistics, turning it into powerful and visually appealing graphics that enable you to make strategic decisions more effectively. We offer you a wide range of Visual Insights services.

Creation of
Interactive Controls

We create dashboards and interactive panels that transform your data into dynamic and easy to understand graphics, using leading technologies such as Tableau, Power BI, Qlik, Looker…..

Geointelligence & Analysis of
Geospatial Data

We use mapping and geospatial analysis tools to visualize location and geography related data.

Social Network Analysis and
Customer Sentiment

We visualize social media data and customer feedback to better understand market trends and sentiment.


Predictive Analytics

Power your Business with aggity Machine Learning: Our Advanced Services
At aggity we understand that Machine Learning is the key to making intelligent decisions and getting the most out of your data. Our range of Machine Learning services is designed to propel your business into the digital future, giving you the ability to predict, optimize and automate critical processes. We offer you a wide variety of Machine Learning services.

Predictive Modeling and Data Analytics

We create advanced Machine Learning models that allow you to predict trends, identify opportunities and make data-driven decisions.

Customization of
Customer Experience

We use Machine Learning to analyze customer behavior and deliver personalized experiences that increase satisfaction and retention.

Process Automation

We implement Machine Learning systems that automate repetitive tasks, reducing errors and increasing operational efficiency.

Market Segmentation and Behavioral Forecasting

We identify groups of similar customers and predict their buying behavior, allowing you to target your marketing strategies more effectively.

Resource Optimization

We apply Machine Learning algorithms to optimize the allocation of resources, such as personnel, inventory and vehicle fleets.

Monitoring and
Predictive Maintenance

We implement systems that predict equipment and asset failures, allowing for preventive maintenance and cost savings.


Generative AI

Boost your Creativity and Efficiency with Generative AI by aggity
At aggity, we understand that Generative AI is the gateway to innovation and unparalleled efficiency. Our Generative AI services are designed to transform the way your business creates content, makes decisions and solves problems. We offer you a wide range of Generative AI services

Intelligent Chatbots

We develop Generative AI-powered cognitive assistants that provide accurate and contextual responses through proprietary data-driven learning.

Optimization of
Business Processes

We apply Generative AI to optimize complex business processes, from supply chain to inventory management.

Analysis of
Advanced Data

We apply Generative AI to analyze large data sets and uncover hidden patterns and trends, from a holistic point of view.

Vitaminando a RRHH

We empower HR managers with new tools to automate and improve the experience of routine tasks so they can focus on delivering value.

CAU, CAC and Customer Care

Through easy multichannel interaction integrated with different systems, we improve customer and employee service, and offer personalized content recommendations to provide a differential user experience.

Intelligent Automation

We implement Generative AI solutions that automate business processes, such as the management of invoices, suppliers, claims, customers, claims…


Aggity alliances

A reference company in the sector allows us to reach our customers with a local and very capillary offer.

A reference company in the sector allows us to reach our customers with a local and very capillary offer.


They trust us

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