and aggity

They are technology partners


Assessment of the IT environment to determine the data and applications viable for migration to the cloud, its roadmap as well as the TCO and ROI analysis of this process.

Migration of viable processing loads to the cloud Tuning of cloud infrastructure without modifying applications (Re-platform) Optimization of processing loads in hybrid and public clouds Preparation, testing and validation of production environments.

Implementation and configuration of a single point of contact for incident tracking. Identification of anomalous behavior, root cause analysis and efficient maintenance of resources.

Modern Place
of Work

We guarantee compliance with international, regional and industry standards, with more than a thousand security and privacy controls. We manage group access, custom permissions, and establish password policies that require regular changes.

Data Center
On Site

We offer comprehensive security services and solutions, from identity management and access control through Active Directory, to the administration of WSUS & System Center updates following security frameworks.