Attracting and retaining customers is one of the main business objectives. Also known as customer engagement, companies are relying on different tools and strategies to achieve customer loyalty.

We can no longer be reactive, but apply digital from a strategic and forward-looking approach.

Ability to generate a single view of the customer (on / off).

Use advanced analytical techniques (AI / Prediction) to develop growth strategies.

Activate all channels at our disposal to improve the digital experience of our ecosystem (suppliers, customers, employees).


5 Strategic Levers


User Centric and Convenience

Moving from a multichannel experience to one of digital + omnichannel coexistence



Leveraging the “omnichannel journey” to increase sales within the journey



Enablers of efficient experience and management



Apply the best data and development decisions so that the user experience is integrated with as little friction as possible.


Innovation and W or M

Enablers of efficient experience and management

Structure and layers
of services

Different layers of service depending on the type of project, customer needs or sector.

Tools and services to support sales & business growth

  • Optimization and improvement of the B2B sales process.
  • Automation, BPO and BPM
  • Dashboards and reporting
  • Budgeting and forecasting
  • Portals and Apps for management / contracting, suppliers

Advanced Segmentation, Models, Machine Learning and Big Data

  • Advanced customer-cluster segmentation
  • Modeling and predictive: churn, actual and potential CLTV, purchasing.
  • Dynamic relational workflows
  • Omnichannel customer acquisition + 3D party data
  • Big Data
  • Machine Learning

Design, development and evolution of customized digital assets

  • Endow our CE developments with a Digital Experience through digital assets.
  • Portals and Apps for self-management, contracting, information and e-commerce

Data capture and activation

  • Customer single view (CDP)
  • Capture-Solidity of data in silos
  • Marketing Automation and oneZone
  • Insights and communication channels
  • CMP / PMP
  • Marketing projects for medium-sized companies or companies with low weight in CPD
  • Data insights / Gamification / Panels
  • Retail 4.0 and point-of-sale actions
  • Phygital experience or Omnichannel


At aggity, we are helping companies to increase their revenues and profitability.

Channel orchestration and marketing automation with personalized and dynamic real-time offers and messages



  • 360° vision
  • Omnichannel

Implementing a Customer Data Platform (CDP) solution that uniquely and seamlessly integrates all customer information into a single source of truth.



  • Marketing automation
  • Customization

Developing predictive models based on AI and Machine Learning to predict behavior throughout the customer’s lifetime and be able to know their real and potential value.


ROI Actions

  • Advanced clusters
  • Predictive models
  • IA

Designing, implementing and managing digital assets with an excellent digital experience that increases transactional and relational brand engagement.



  • New sales channels
  • Brand awareness
  • Link


Companies have moved beyond the digital frontier and assume that the relationship with their customers pivots on Personalization, Contextualization and Dynamism. You have to know who the consumer is and what they want in order to give them the product or experience that best fits their needs in real time.

Our solutions help companies solve these challenges effectively.

Marketing automation

Providing personalized omnichannel content for each customer, reaching them at the right time and identifying the journey to activate their lifecycle and consumption, are just some of the tasks that are enhanced and simplified thanks to our marketing automation solutions.

Customer Data Platform CDP

The key to unlocking our customers’ potential lies in understanding them throughout their lifecycle. Our advanced Customer Data Platform allows us to collect information across all touch points, physical and/or digital.

Customer & Channel Advanced analytics

Our advanced analytics solutions , through the use of predictive machine learning algorithms and Generative and Narrow AI, we transform customer and consumer information in a better understanding of their individual behavior – preference, uses and expected needs – in awareness, acquisition, cross-selling, up-selling, linkage and retention actions.

PRIzzER Promotional Effectiveness & Princing

Our PRIzzER solutions allow us to obtain, thanks to their advanced analytical capabilities, the performance (increase in sales or ROI, for example) of promotional campaigns and their associated effects, Predicting future stock performance promotional campaign given its characteristics (discounted products, start and end dates, mechanism, etc.).


SmartIA transforms physical points of sale into strategic assets by analyzing location and business data. This Data Driven solution integrates various in-house and external data sources using Artificial Intelligence to improve locations, operations and promotional performance. Processes structured and unstructured information to infer patterns, improving decision making in the point-of-sale environment.

Smart Market Research SMR

SMR is an AI solution that enables the company to interact digitally with consumers to quickly understand market trends. With state-of-the-art digital technologies and AI algorithms, agile and adaptive decision making is achieved, improving the hit rate and enabling rapid adjustments to changes in consumer habits.


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