& Services

We accompany companies in the sector, helping them to meet their Digital Transformation challenges with the best technology, always according to their specific needs.

Challenges and Context
of the Sector

Regulatory Changes

Particularly important in the Health Sector, due to the nature of the data with which it works.

Increasing Costs

Given this scenario, it is essential to optimize procedures and the use of resources.

Sustainable Development Goals

Being in line with the SDGs is increasingly valued by the users of our services.

Shortage of qualified personnel

It is essential to improve both the attraction of talent and its loyalty and optimized planning.

Technological Advances

Organizations that turn their backs on the new reality will face a significant competitive disadvantage.

Changing environment
Customers – Patients

The new distribution of the population structure requires a re-planning of the supply of services.


The aggity approach is based on the combination of industry knowledge, the right technology to accompany the digitization processes and the ability to use advanced analytical technologies to ensure the success of the digitization processes.

The best approach to each client and each patient is one that is perceived as individualized and personal. Thanks to our solutions, you can count on an omnichannel approach and segmentation according to the nature of each contact (relationships, pathologies, etc.).

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Optimize your Talent with our People Management solutions. A particularly important module is the Advanced Shift and Timetable Planner, widely implemented in the sector, which allows its assignment to its professionals in an optimal way according to the business needs and the applicable regulations and agreements. Advanced analytics will also allow you to make decisions based on concrete data, not just more or less subjective impressions.

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Manage energy as a key asset, understanding consumption patterns and planning production accordingly. Likewise, it will be the basis for compliance.

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Digital Solutions

Applying a “Process Reengineering” approach with technological support, we help you optimize your current processes, improving the quality and time associated with each task.

We also design a User Experience Layer that, regardless of the “CORE” systems that the organization has, facilitates the performance of different business activities.

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Green IT Operations

The efficient dimensioning of our technological infrastructures and the capacity to respond effectively to any incident are a guarantee of success.

Our solutions in this field (IBM Instana and Turbonomic), will help you to optimally manage your equipment, networks and cloud systems with the help of Artificial Intelligence.


Aggity alliances

At aggity we count on “Denario” as a technological platform to support the processes traditionally linked to the People Management area. Denario is owned by aggity People, one of our group companies.


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