Competitiveness challenges in inflationary environments: hyperindustry
BIMBO Case Study
Conference in Barcelona
GLOVO Offices Auditorium – Carrer de Llull 108 – Barcelona
September 28 – From 9:15 to 11:30 a.m.
As an expert company in the application of digitization solutions and advanced analytics for the competitive development of the industry, from aggity we invite you to the conference that we celebrate in Barcelona on September 28th in collaboration with APD.
With an eminently practical approach, this meeting is an opportunity to acquire vision and knowledge about the potential of solutions to meet the challenge of hyper-industrialization in an environment of global competition marked by a shortage of professionals, and new regulatory requirements in environmental and sustainability issues.
The meeting will also be used to present the case study of BIMBO in Mexico, an example of how technology can turn data into knowledge and knowledge into value.