With nine modules and additional functionalities ranging from expense management to People Analytics, Denario currently manages more than one million payrolls.

Aggity has launched the new website of the Denario solution for the integrated management of HR and talent, an initiative that is part of the multinational technology company’s objective to contribute to enhance the strategic work of HR areas and their empowerment within organizations.

Denario’s new website shows its more than 25 years of experience in the market with a comprehensive and customized offer of innovative solutions and experts in HR and talent management, responding to the specific requirements of people management in both public and private sector organizations, with a specific weight in the health sector and the facilities services sector.

Since its founding in 1997, Denario has helped more than 1,000 organizations improve their HR management processes. The solution was born with a first module for Personnel Administration and payroll management, which in 2022 was joined by the Planning and Talent Management modules, in 2010 by the Employee Portal and in 2016 by the digital signature in the recruitment management process.

Since 2011, the Denario solution has incorporated cloud technology and in 2012 it reached the milestone of managing more than 500,000 payrolls with its Personnel Administration module, which is integrated with the Shift Planner.

The aggity People revolution

Denario was strengthened with the entry of aggity in its shareholding in 2019, in 2020 the version of the solution in a 100% web environment reached the market and a year later it renewed its UX/UI interface, in addition to incorporating new Talent Management modules and specialized services for the improvement of employee productivity. In 2022, the Denario solution again expanded its scope with the addition of new services, namely Payflow for flexible payroll collection and the Work Climate module. In 2023 it also added the Candidate Management module.

With nine modules and additional functionalities ranging from expense management to People Analytics, Denario currently manages more than one million payrolls. The solution is integrated into BesTalent IA by aggity, the technology platform for advanced HR and talent management within the aggity People ecosystem.

The value of practice in people management

The new Denario website, which has a Help Desk area for its customers, features a ‘Success Stories’ section presenting the practical experience in the use of Denario and the aggity People ecosystem of customer references such as Caldea, Caldea, Lluch Essence, Xarxa Santa Tecla, Vall d’Hebron Hospital and Viamed.

According to Oscar Pierre, president of aggity, “organizations that are not aware that people are their most valuable asset are irremediably condemned to disappear, while those that demonstrate on a daily basis their willingness to attract, develop and retain talent are the ones that remain at the forefront”. “As a trusted partner of our customers,” –Pierre adds, “we have specialized in providing expert consulting to help companies identify the opportunities of digitalization applied to people and talent management, and we have built a technology ecosystem that makes use of cutting-edge technologies – from automation to big data, analytics and artificial intelligence – and in which Denario is a key player, to help them extract value from those opportunities.”