Santa Tecla SocioSanitary Group chooses aggity’s technology
- It will use the GTT Digital by aggity solution, in its app version for Android and iOS.
It will be the first organization in our country to use this collaborative technology that allows decentralizing the management of work groups and even their self-management with the active participation of its members.
The Santa Tecla healthcare partner group, comprising 50 centers and 3,000 professionals, has chosen aggity technology for the daily management of its human resources. According to the signed agreement, Santa Tecla’s professionals will use the GTT Digital by aggity solution, in its app version (Android and iOS), making it the first organization in our country to use this collaborative technology that allows decentralizing the management of work groups and even their self-management, with the active participation of its members.
The new solution will be used for different aspects of daily operations, such as confidential and private communication, processing of legal documentation, contracts, assignment of shifts or vacation periods in an agile and secure way. This new tool will complement the GTT solution, which the hospital group has already been using for years to manage working time and schedule planning.
The agreement is the first signed by aggity, after the presentation, last March, of a new generation of digital management and Social Business solutions, inspired by widely used collaborative tools such as WhatsApp, Facebook or LinkedIn, which significantly shortens the time of adoption and use of these solutions in organizations.
With this agreement, aggity begins the conversion to this new digital and collaborative environment of the more than half a million professionals currently managed with the classic version of GTT. According to Oscar Pierre, CEO of aggity, “our goal is the evolution of this workforce to this new digital environment, with which Spain would become a leading country in the use of this new generation of Social Business solutions for management”.
In fact, of the more than 40 companies currently using the GTT solution, more than 75% have already expressed their interest in promoting the adoption of the GTT Digital app among their professionals because of the advantages it brings, such as greater agility in decision-making, greater efficiency and productivity, as well as an exponential improvement in communication.
Likewise, and according to Xavier Singla, Manager of Management and Quality Analysis of the Santa Tecla Network, “with GTT and its integration with the new GTT Digital by aggity we make a qualitative leap in the management of human capital, since the agility provided by the solution allows us to drastically reduce decision-making times, which is vital when you offer services to people”. “But the most important thing,” Singla adds, “is that we have managed to involve the professionals of the centers in their own management, which represents an unprecedented milestone because of the optimization it implies for our organization from all points of view.”
The GTT Digital by aggity app, available for Android and iOS, allows middle managers and workers to make daily operational decisions and maintain real-time knowledge and control of work times and shifts, as well as the composition, if any, of work teams, with the possibility of interacting with each other. Likewise, it enables communication and collaboration among the professionals that make up the social ecosystem of the organization.
GTT Digital by aggity also integrates Social Business by aggity, a set of private, secure and confidential collaborative communication tools, developed under the philosophy of the social applications currently most used by users, which guarantees its rapid adoption and usability compared to the complexity of the so-called corporate intranets.
Thanks to the decentralization of management and the possibilities of self-management, this solution not only speeds up these processes, but also reduces the time spent on administrative tasks by around 50%, optimizes the costs associated with these tasks by 35% and, as a key indicator, significantly improves the experience and level of satisfaction of professionals.
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