Improvements in corporate data protection

The information held by a company is one of its most valuable assets and, therefore, the protection of corporate data is a priority. In addition to establishing appropriate security policies, there are methods and practices to reduce breaches and keep data secure.

In this post we look at the importance of using techniques that help cybersecurity departments develop an effective enterprise data protection strategy. The most common procedures used in corporate information security include data security audits, data access control or the inclusion of data encryption tools.

Below, we will discover some of the most important ones, but in order to optimize their development, it is advisable to rely on a partner such as aggity which, thanks to its Cyber & Cloud solutions portfolio, simplifies the adoption of these procedures.

Regular security audits

Security audits should be included in enterprise data security policies. Thanks to them, cybersecurity departments can know whether their security controls are effective, identify potential vulnerabilities and take measures to reduce risks. In addition, these reports ensure that organizations are fully up to date on data compliance .

Continuous training

It is often said that the weakest link in the corporate information security chain lies with the users. For this reason, in addition to raising awareness of cybersecurity, it is necessary to provide users with adequate tools and training so that they make as few mistakes as possible that could lead to a fatal incident.

In this regard, it is important for organizations to provide employees with ongoing training to enable them to carry out secure data handling practices, recognize malware or act appropriately in the event of a cyberattack.

The role of encryption

The role of encryption

This is one of the most basic aspects of any data risk management strategy. Data encryption protects the confidentiality and integrity of the organization’s information, even if the data has been intercepted or stolen.

The goal of data encryption, which is essential in preventing data loss, is to make it inaccessible to cybercriminals – so the more robust the encryption, the less chance of unauthorized access to sensitive company information.

Related to information encryption is access and identity management, including different types of identities in cybersecurity. The implementation of appropriate tools in this area ensures that only authorized users have access to sensitive data.

By implementing role-based access controls, multi-factor authentication and user activity monitoring, enterprises reduce the chances of unauthorized access and protect sensitive organizational information.

The importance of updates

One of the most common mistakes when approaching a business cyber resilience strategy is not having updated operating systems, applications or communication networks. Outdated software increases the vulnerabilities of the company’s IT environment.

The IT department and cybersecurity managers must be vigilant in implementing these updates as quickly as possible and deploy available security patches. This allows closing security gaps and protecting the company against exploits and malware attacks. It is also a simple and inexpensive task that can be automated.

The importance of updates

Incident response

However, as all cybersecurity experts assure, adopting these practices does not ensure that an organization is exempt from suffering an incident. For this reason, it is important that, once a data threat detection occurs, the company knows how to respond to it in the most appropriate way.

It is therefore essential to know what to do after a cyber attack and have developed a response and recovery plan well-structured system that includes rapid identification and notification of incidents, containment of the security breach, restoration of affected data and systems, and transparent communication to internal and external stakeholders.