Aggity achieves revenue of 27.4 million euros in 2023 and reorganizes its business for further growth

  • The company has started projects in 2023 in Portugal, the United Kingdom and Nordic European countries, as well as in Saudi Arabia.
  • aggity finalizes acquisition of Spanish industrial company with presence in Latin America

The Spanish technology multinational aggity had a turnover of 27.4 million euros in 2023, a figure similar to that of 2022 (30.3 million), as a result of the reorganization and refocusing of the business that the company has undertaken over the past year and which has led it to eliminate peripheral or unprofitable activities, as well as to close operations in non-strategic countries, which has reduced its turnover by three million euros in 2023.

aggity, an expert in digitization that has maintained strong and steady growth in recent years, is adapting its offerings to the changes and emerging demands in its markets. With a team of 322 professionals, 105 of them in Spain, aggity’s turnover in 2023 came 49% from our country and the remaining 51% from the international market.

In addition to Italy, aggity is present in Latin America through its subsidiaries in Mexico, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. As part of the aforementioned adjustment, aggity has ceased operations in Argentina, Chile and Ecuador. In parallel, the company has initiated projects in Portugal, the United Kingdom and Nordic European countries, as well as in Saudi Arabia in 2023.

According to Oscar Pierre, president of aggity, “with this reorganization we have achieved a much more solid company, focused on market changes and with a much more focused and profitable offer for the future and, above all, that allows our customers to face the challenges of their business, such as operating with an increasingly demanding legislation on sustainability compliance and decarbonization of the production activity.“.

Aggity’s forecasts, contemplating only organic growth, point to growth of over 20% in 2024 and revenue of €33.6 million, €37 million in 2025 and over €40 million in 2026. Likewise, the forecast for Ebitda evolution is 4.6 million in 2024 and to reach 6.2 million in 2026. As in the previous stage, aggity is also considering the possible acquisition of companies. The company has integrated 10 organizations over the last five years and is currently finalizing the purchase of a company in the industrial sector with a significant presence in Latin America.

Technology for decarbonization and efficiency improvements

aggity’s strategy is based on a global offering and four fundamental pillars. The first is made up of its technological platforms, including, on the one hand, GreenwAIs by aggity y Digital Enterprise by aggity. With the first of these, aggity is responding to the acceleration of legislation regulating the sustainability of economic activity and obliging companies to meet the 2030 and 2050 decarbonization targets. This platform, unique in the market, integrates energy management with business management, provides information on energy impact by activity and measures the carbon footprint throughout the entire organization, including energy and water consumption, waste management, etc. Based on this information and through the use of algorithms, it is possible to develop intelligent energy management and make progress in the continuous improvement of energy efficiency.

For its part, Digital Enterprise by aggity is the result of aggity’s relationship with Microsoft to provide its customers with solutions based on the Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Platform and Microsoft 365 platforms, which are complemented by a portfolio of services based on aggity’s more than two decades of experience in the implementation of business solutions.

These two new platforms are in addition to Smart Factory by aggityindustry-specific and to BesTalentIA by aggityfocused on transforming talent management through the application of People Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies throughout the life cycle of people within an organization, including its HR management software, Denario.

Finally, for customer management, the Digital Customer Engagement by aggity platform focuses on customer loyalty and attraction. The platform manages customer data to build from it an omnichannel / phygital digital coexistence.

Sector focus, leading-edge technologies and global alliances

The second pillar of aggity’s strategy is its sector focus, centered on industry, retail, FMCG, hospitality and travel, healthcare and services, and ports, concessionaires, transportation and logistics. Finally, the other two pillars are its expertise in cutting-edge technologies, including Data and Analytics, Generative AI, Cloud and Cybersecurity; and its alliances with partners, including IBM and Microsoft.

According to Pablo González, CEO of aggity Spain, “sustainability and the continuous improvement of efficiency, in addition to being imperatives, are an opportunity to innovate and at aggity we have the knowledge, solutions and technology to accompany all areas of the company in this race”.