Aggity identifies data analytics as one of the keys to companies’ progress on their path to decarbonization

Madrid, February 22, 2024 – aggity identifies advanced data analytics as one of the keys to companies’ progress towards decarbonization and recalls that, by regulatory imperative, this transition is a priority for all organizations and requires the integration of sustainability into all business processes.

This was made clear at the joint event organized by the Spanish technology multinational, IBM and Euro-Funding, held at the Spanish Logistics Center (CEL) to address the challenge of decarbonization in industry, framed within the first of the three ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) areas.

According to aggity, reducing or eliminating the carbon footprint in the industrial sector involves different challenges, starting from complexity and costs, to regulatory differences between countries and regions, to cooperation with all links in the supply chain, not to mention organizational culture and risk forecasting.

aggity’s proposal to meet these challenges involves planning that ensures economic viability and presents a clear vision of sustainability objectives, and also contemplates collaboration with partners and suppliers, advocacy and awareness, and risk management, as well as innovation. Within this planning, and specifically in the area of decarbonization, aggity establishes three lines of work: reducing consumption, improving consumption and compensation.

Three-phase approach and state-of-the-art technology

On the road to decarbonization, aggity’s approach envisages three phases. A first phase of construction of the so-called Data Foundation as a single system of record for ESG data and robust, auditable greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions calculations.

A second optimization phase, in which tools for reporting to ensure compliance with internal and external requirements, as well as ESG reporting, are essential. And a third acceleration phase in which analytical tools are focused on identifying opportunities to achieve CO2 reduction targets and to keep track of compliance with sustainability objectives.

To help companies on this path, and as shown in the meeting with a practical case of energy monitoring in an industrial plant, aggity has a portfolio of cutting-edge solutions integrated in the Smart Factory by aggity and Greenwais by aggity platforms, which cover the needs of companies in the industrial sector in their planning, improvement and sustainability phases.

In addition, aggity also implements another critical piece such as the EMS (Energy Management System) which, thanks to its monitoring tools, is essential to respond to a growing demand for sustainability information that has been reinforced by European standards such as the European Green Pact, the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the EU Action Plan on Sustainable Finance, already transposed (Climate Change and Energy Transition Law) or in the process of being transposed in Spain.

ESG information and transparency

In this regard, IBM data show that 65% of CEOs believe that investor demand for transparency in sustainability is increasing. And, at the same time, 44% see a problem in the lack of information residing in the data. The consulting firm Forrester has also drawn attention to this obstacle by finding that between 60% and 73% of data is not used for analytical purposes.

In contrast, the meeting showcased the power of the IBM Envizi ESG Suite platform, in which aggity is Sales Advanced Level 4 certified. Available in SaaS mode, the solution allows organizations to manage the evolution of their sustainability plan in their different areas of operation. To this end, it automatically collects and analyzes environmental information and also generates detailed sustainability and environmental impact reports, allowing you to manage your environment based on quality data, optimize your ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) strategy and identify opportunities to reduce your environmental footprint.

According to Ignacio Tornos, aggity’s Industrial Products & Manufacturing Sector Leader, “We are very pleased with the results.sustainability is not just a matter of compliance, but an opportunity to innovate and differentiate ourselves from the competition”. “In order to make the sustainability in all areas of the company, it is essential to have tools that make the starting point visible based on real data and that, through advanced analysis, contribute to methodical decision making focused on meeting ESG objectives.