aggity already in the year 2024…aggity’s Annual CEO Meeting! This year in Barcelona!!!
Welcome Barcelona to all aggity’s international CEO’s: Omar Villa (Argentina and Uruguay); Luis Buendia (Colombia); Claudio Arce (Peru and Chile), Francesco Scalise (Italy); Pablo González (aggity Spain); Oscar Mz. Tovilla (Mexico and Central America) and Alexis Alarcon (Ecuador)

Welcome to your home! Three days of intense work with the objective to concretize and redefine a unique strategy and common direction for everyone and for aggity.

Great conclusions, great moments and important announcements (which we will be announcing soon) to optimize the strategy and set the objectives for the year and return to the activity with the maximum strength and motivation to improve again the business and the results in 2024!

Let’s go! We are aggity …a present that excites us and looking to the future with great enthusiasm!