Maria Patricia Sinisterra, Market Research Director of Grupo BIMBO, present at the aggity event at GLOVO.

aggity organized last September 27th 2023 an event to share with attendees the vision and strategy of how digital solutions can improve the competitiveness of companies not only for recruitment, but also for knowledge and personalization of the experience with their users and consumers.

The event, under the title or presentation of “ How to Improve Competitiveness through Digital Customer Insights in an inflationary environment. The Hyperindustry“Maria Patricia Sinisterra, Director of Market Research at Grupo BIMBO, explained how BIMBO has improved its consumer knowledge through innovative advanced analytics-IA solutions and how it has increased competitiveness and grown its business by implementing a pioneering technological solution in the sector.

With our solution, Grupo BIMBO has achieved 99% reliability and a 2% margin of error in the information obtained from its consumer community. Similarly, in one month they have conducted studies and made decisions on innovation, market research, campaign evaluation and packaging evaluation, with operational savings of 96% and presentation of results 95% faster (in less than three days).

The event was held in the Auditorium of Glovo’s new offices, and therefore it was also an opportunity for all attendees to get to know Glovo’s spectacular offices in the so-called “Yellow Park” in Barcelona’s 22@.