
Protecting your Digital World: Explore the Cutting Edge of Cybersecurity with aggity.

La ciberinteligencia es esencial en la estrategia de seguridad de una empresa ya que permite entender y mitigar las amenazas digitales en el entorno. En este artículo, exploramos métodos probados

honeypot ciberseguridad

Los honeypots en ciberseguridad son sistemas de señuelo diseñados para simular vulnerabilidades o recursos valiosos para atraer a los atacantes. De esta manera, los equipos de seguridad capturan y analizan

seguridad de aplicaciones móviles

En este post nos centrarnos en la importancia de adoptar medidas robustas de seguridad en las aplicaciones móviles y cuáles son los retos que tienen los departamentos de ciberseguridad de

In this post we look at the different types of digital identities and what role they play in protecting digital assets; also the best practices for managing and securing digital identities; and the best practices for managing and securing digital identities.

Advanced IoT Security Strategies

Every device is a potential access point for IoT security threats, requiring a sophisticated, multifaceted security strategy. This strategy ranges from data encryption

Data processing in the cloud provides companies with advantages such as scalability, flexibility and cost efficiency. In this post we will explore innovative strategies and proven methods to leverage

Strengthening Corporate Network Security

corporate network security

ENS (National Security Scheme) Certification is essential to safeguard the integrity of an organization's systems and data. In this article, we will explore why ENS certification is essential.

Cybersecurity Awareness

Cybersecurity awareness is crucial at a time when the number and sophistication of cyberattacks is on the rise. The first line of protection is that

cybersecurity in teleworking

Cybersecurity in teleworking

Cybersecurity in telework is one of the pillars of a digitalization strategy and it is essential to know the strategies and tools that allow protecting data, systems and applications.

Data encryption is one of the most effective safeguards to protect sensitive information from cyber threats. We analyze how data encryption acts as a virtual shield.

Keys to a Cybersecurity Audit

A Cybersecurity Audit can keep a company's digital assets safe. We are talking about one of the most important tools in a cybersecurity strategy, as it allows to evaluate

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