Analytics & AI

Exploring the Power of Data: Discover New Insights with aggity Analytics.

Effective environmental monitoring employs advanced technologies to collect, analyze and manage data on critical environmental factors such as air quality, gas emissions, resource consumption, which enables

Artificial Intelligence for marketing is one of the catalysts of the digital transformation by enabling the processing and analysis of huge volumes of data to anticipate buying behavior, improve campaigns

what is a predictive model

Implementing predictive modeling in marketing can be the difference between a marketing campaign that resonates and one that fails to make an impact. We explore the basics of predictive

Reducing the company's environmental impact is one of the priorities for CIOs and IT managers. The goal is not only to make

BI is part of the digital transformation that enables companies to operate in an increasingly competitive environment. However, not all companies are taking advantage of BI.

Data Analysis in Digital Marketing

Leveraging data analytics in digital marketing allows companies to improve their results and build customer loyalty. In this content, we provide tips and explain the tools

From predictive maintenance to supply chain optimization. In this article we will explore examples of how machine learning technology is being successfully implemented in

How to Create Quality Content with GPT Chat

Chat GPT has been one of the most disruptive tools of recent times. It is a generative AI application that allows for the creation of quality content that can

Analytical Dashboard in Business Analytics

In today's business environment, data-driven decision making is imperative. Aggity's analytics dashboard, which unlocks crucial insights from enterprise data, is key in

In this content we are going to show the difference between Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analytics (BA), highlighting their objectives, methodologies and approaches. aggity helps companies to take full advantage of the

The main applications of Business Intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) applications enable CIOs, digital transformation managers, business and operations managers, and sustainability professionals to access, analyze, and visualize data to

Artificial intelligence applied to human resources

Artificial intelligence applied to human resources will be one of the main advances in this department. Its use will enable managers to focus on tasks that will

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